
Me:I’m Justin Kerr-Stevens, a strategic communications consultant working in London. I work with government departments (and a few private sector clients) in the UK and Australia. I’m also a Director of Futuregov Consultancy.
Most of my work is focused on government campaigns and social marketing. My key areas of interest are the web, effective consultations and social media.
If you think I can help you with something, by all means drop me a line: jkerrstevens[at]gmail[dot]com

6 responses to “About

  1. justin

    well done and good luck

  2. Hi J

    Some interesting thoughts. I have not to-date had the privilege of utilising social media in a major government comms project and would be interested in your views re: the potential of social media (hyperbole, revolution or somewhere in-between?) and its relationship with existing comms vehicles.

    I sense that social media can complement existing channels to give greater depth to campaigns and it of course supports a better dialogue with certain segments of the population.

    However, I fear that in the rush to take advantage of web 2.0, some facts could be overlooked. For example – that media consumption is becoming more fragmented etc.


  3. It’s always a pleasure to find a new blog.

  4. I’ve enjoyed your posts and interests, thanks

  5. Pingback: The HM Gov channel, brought to you by RSS Mixer « Extended Reach

  6. Pingback: UK Gov Barcamp 2.. « backpass.org

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